Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Playlist - #01

As another year comes to an end, we all gear ourselves up to prepare TONS AND TONS OF LISTS. Be it Christmas, or best / worst of's, everyone loves assigning quantitative values to art!

I just made my top 10 albums of the year list. Luckily before Pitchfork did so no one can cry about it being biased :P

Heres a few selections from my favorite stuff this year, some appearing on my list, some not. Check it out, and if you dig, its not too late to add it to your list(s).

Of Montreal - Grolandic Edit

Some of Kevin's best lyrics to date, over a slinky bass line, embellished with gorgeous multi-layered harmonies.

LCD Soundsystem - North American Scum (on Letterman)

Great late night TV performance. Makes good use of the house band!

Spoon - The Underdog

Spoon songs are like a game of Jenga. They start out full and layered, and they gradually remove as many pieces as possible while still keeping the structure intact. This video recreates what may be the innovative studio techniques behind Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. Either way its fun to watch.

The Field - Over The Ice

Abstract video over the lead off track from The Field's From Here We Go Sublime. Chilling and beautiful, just like the song.

Animal Collective - Peacebone

Fucked up pop. Amazing song, rad video.

More in the days to follow. Enjoy!

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