Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ben Stein is a douchebag

Here is the trailer for Ben Stein's upcoming film titled, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

Have you ever witnessed something or someone so stupid, that your emotions surpass anger, and you instead feel pity? Thats how I feel about this bullshit. Honestly, theres just something about Ben Stein posing as some sort of gladiator, with the bad to the bone music... I just feel bad. Seriously.

The idea that Ben Stein thinks he is fighting some kind of oppressive status quo makes me sick. 98% of the world's population shares the belief that some sort of super natural being exists. You are not in the minority here Ben Stein. Lets stop trying to alter the scientific method, and instead maybe focus on spreading the word about the world being round.

People need to get over this whole creationism thing. Its not that religion doesn't belong in schools. Its that religion doesn't belong in science. Why do people continue to assume that religion and science are mutually exclusive?

The denial of evolution in this day and age is logistic suicide. The missing link argument is dead. In response, people have adopted the whole cry for "since we can't be sure 100% either way, we should teach both sides". They may be right about knowing FOR SURE (can you know anything 100% in the first place?), but its the logic behind that school of thought that is flawed.

For instance, I've been working on this theory here on campus. Its called the Theory of Ryanlution. Basically my hypothesis is that I am god, and all of existence is merely a projection of the musings of my omnipotent brain. I haven't proved it 100% yet, but to be fair we should teach it along the other theories so that students can make up their own minds, right?

Give me a break.

p.s. Ben Stein has recently tried to push the idea that we should start taxing the rich more so that the U.S. government can have more money for the military. Off topic I know, just wanted to remind you how big of a douche bag Ben Stein is.


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